- ROBERT PALEJS (Owner/Photographer)
- DAVID WILSON (Owner/Photographer)
Seeking to fill a creative gap in the market we were established in December 2011, operating in and around the Sydney area. With the combined experience and talents of two photographers, unleashed is strongly placed to cover any type of event. It is our aim to provide clients with a reliable and flexible service that can cater to their every need. We believe in providing an enriched service that goes beyond the photographic experience. We can provide an extensive list of related services catering for full photographic event planning and coordination.
While unleashing creativity through our photography!
At some point in the near future we hope to open our very own Photographic Studio to better service our clients and have a central hub for our business.
As long as I can remember I have had a love of photography. I got my first camera at the age of 8 years old and have never turned back. As my passion for photography grew, I went from point and shoot cameras to SLR cameras, to DSLR cameras with photo editing software. I can not describe the joy I get out of capturing unique moments of raw and unbridled emotion in time with my camera. I have read, studied, watched and listened to as much about photography as possible as part of my continued chase for the perfect shot. It is this chase that continues to fuel my passion for photography and as I share my photos with the world.
“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow” - Imogen Cunningham
As a kid I was never really into Photography. I didn’t even pick up my first camera until I was 18 years old. But since then I have truly found my passion in life. In the years that followed I read, watched, asked and studied all I could into every aspect of photography. Combined with my second passion for Travel you’ll often find me talking about all the dream places I’d love to go and shoot. I’m sure I’ll get to them all one day. In the mean time I spend as much time as possible with my camera in hand. I think I am blessed that I still enjoy shooting. No matter what it is or where, I love it! There are few jobs that I won’t take on. The challenge is half the fun, and nothing compares to that feeling you get when you get “That perfect shot”.